A well-made and well-maintained fence is a beautiful and functional addition to any Savannah, Georgia home. Over time, fences can begin to fail, usually slowly over many years. So, when is it time for a new fence?


3 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Savannah Fence

In many cases, fences can be repaired. In fact, a reasonable amount of repair work should be considered part of proper maintenance, but a time will come when repairs just are not worth it anymore. It is not always an easy choice. Here are three signs that it may be time to replace your fence.


  • Holes in Your Wood Fence

If you can see through any part of your wooden fence, you need repairs at the very least. If only one or two boards have holes, you might consider replacing just those boards. But if the holes are more widespread, they are probably indicative of more severe damage.


Even if you repair the affected boards, the presence of many holes and large gaps indicates that the fence, as a whole, is losing its integrity. The same UV rays that affect humans can degrade your wood fence over time. The most common effect of UV rays is bleaching, in which a fence starts to lose its color and slowly fades to a light gray color. But the color change is just the most visible effect. As a fence grays, it also dries out and loses structural integrity. If your fence has turned colors, make sure to look for other weaknesses and signs of damage.


  • Extensive Rust Marks in Your Steel Fence

Many steel fences, like chain link fencing, are coated with special materials to resist rust. Even so, it is recommended to do an annual inspection for rust spots because these coatings can wear off over time. Catching the rust early will greatly extend the life of your fence. Ignore the early signs of rust at your own risk!


After the inspection, rust spots must be sanded to remove the rust and then painted with rust-resistant paint. Some amount of rust is inevitable after years go by and can be spot treated. But extensive rust is a sign that it is time for a new fence. Too many repairs can also make a fence look splotchy. If your fence is showing signs of rust across the whole fence, it may be time to give in and build a new fence. Next time, we would recommend you consider using aluminum fencing which does not rust and looks almost identical in most cases.


  • Your Fence is Leaning

If your fence is doing anything other than standing up straight, it is time to consider a new fence. In most cases, by the time a fence is leaning, it is too late for repairs. There are a few reasons a fence might lean. If a fence is leaning, something is usually wrong with the posts. Posts hold the fence in place and are typically anchored into the ground with cement over a gravel base. The cement holds the posts upright, but the cement itself is poured into a hole in the ground. If the ground shifts, the whole cement footing and the post it holds can tilt. Usually, this cannot be repaired without considerable trouble. When a repair like this is necessary, the fence itself is usually also in trouble.


When It’s Time to Replace Your Georgia Fence, Call the Pros at JDH!

If you find yourself needing to replace your existing fence, consider the fence experts at JDH Decks and Fencing. We have all types of fences for just about every need. Our 2 most popular types of fencing in situations like this are our aluminum fencing and our vinyl fencing, both coming with a lifetime warranty!


Reach us online or via phone at (912) 748-1907 and speak to one of our friendly, knowledgeable team to get on your way to a new fence right away!